A Holistic Horse in a Botanical Barn

Description:   Equine Aromatherapy; A Holistic Horse in a Botanical Barn

Aromatherapy and essential oils can be a very easy and effective tool for
holistic health awareness for you and your animal friends.

Learn about safe and effective ways to incorporate pure essential oils and
natural botanicals for use with equines (some information is adaptable to canines).

Basic aromatherapy history, sense of smell factor, essential oil safety, what are essential oils, applications; topical, massage, inhalation-diffusion therapy, hydrotherapy, create a healthy and peaceful environment for healing, training, stables, office, travel and home use.

Abscesses, skin issues-sweet itch, allergies, upper respiratory care, arthritis, muscular aches and pains, immune enhancement and stress related issues can benefit from holistic aromatherapy.

The EA100  course is designed as an introductory course or a refresher course for new or returning horse owners, managers, trainers and enthusiasts. The information entailed in this course is material that EVERYONE who is involved with horses can benefit from.  

(6 weeks)

The EA101  course is a more intensive course which will include advanced knowledge of specific essential oils and their chemical properties for therapeutic action. Basic Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory (TCM) based on meridian channels and how essential oils can be applied based on meridian acupuncture/acupressure points and overall therapy for holistic health support. Advanced essential oil blending techniques. Create recipes for therapeutic applications. Work with your animal friends for choice in which essential oils to use. How Essential Oils can be incorporated with other holistic modalities, such as acupuncture, chiropractic, cranial sacral therapy, flower essence therapy, massage therapy, reiki, intuitive animal communication.  Travel stress, training issues and even gently moving through painful grief issues can all benefit from the gift that aromatherapy and essential oil therapy has to offer.  (10 weeks)  

 Designed For:

Those who wish to have a basic knowledge-base about Equine Aromatherapy. Student Ages 18 to Adult.


To give you an educational foundation needed to incorporate essential oils and aromatherapy products based on safe use for horses.

 Assessment Method:

Participation in online class discussions, weekly and course projects, essays, reading assignments as well as written assignments submitted online.

 Course Topics:



 Course Prerequisites:

EA100: Completion of Grade 12 or equivalent, or at least 18 years of age.

EA101: Completion of EA100


EA100:  Most materials provided online for access at any time. Suggested reading: Holistic Aromatherapy for Animals by Kristen Leigh Bell. Essential Oils for Horses by Carole Faith.

EA101: Most materials provided online for access at any time. Recommended reading: (coming soon)


For more info:

Contact: Kelly Holland Azzaro RA CCAP LMT
Phone: 828-898-5555 (EST) Leave voice mail message, email is best way to contact


100: (6 weeks)
Basic knowledge and understanding of safe use of aromatherapy and essential oils for equine and environmental health.

101: (10 weeks)
In-depth knowledge of  Equine Aromatherapy and essential oil therapy building upon the foundation of 100 basic course.



Affiliate Website: www.ashitherapy.com www.ashiaromatics.com


EA100: (6 weeks)

EA101: (10 weeks)

Instructor: Kelly Holland Azzaro RA CCAP LMT